"And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost…." 1 Nephi 3:187


2019 Missouri Reunion Report

We entered the Church of Christ for the opening prayer service of the 2019 Missouri Reunion, Friday, July 26th. We were greeted by Elder Glenn Gill, with Priest Bruce Haines assisting. Br. Glenn read a prayer given by the apostle Paul from Ephesians 3, reminding us that we come together ourselves under the banner of Christ. He also read III Nephi 5: 9.

Br. Bruce gathered the list of those in need and began a season of prayer where many voices were lifted. The service was then opened as the Spirit led for songs, testimonies and prayers.

*A Brother testified that this last year he and his wife benefited from all the prayers on their behalf.  At one time Hospice said she would pass away within six months, but she’s still here and doing better all the time. There was a point though that she didn’t want to stay here, she wanted to go “home,” but God turned her around. There is a lot of people out there that don’t appreciate prayer.  He rejoices in it.

*A Sister testified she’s thankful we’re here, all the faithful. She told us that the song, “The Old Old Path” reminds her of her parents.  They were faithful to the end.  She told us that our testimonies confirm her faith—to keep on.  We hope of Zion and God’s promises—through our trials.  We can’t do it without prayer.  We’re thankful for sermons and the Gospel, which confirms her faith also.  She wants to be a light, yet she stumbles.  She’s thankful for God’s forgiveness.

The 11:00 a.m. Sermon was given by Elder Randy Sheldon, with Priest Bruce Haines assisting.  Br. Bruce gave the opening prayer and read Psalm 50, about Zion and the gathering.  Our “all” needs to be on the altar of the Lord and we need to get ourselves out of the world.

Br. Randy entitled his sermon, “Scoffers, Believers and Christ.”  Br. Randy told us the Lord is doing things, and the believers are about helping. Scoffers stand back and are negative.  Keep God’s commandments, the good works you do are acts of faith.  Br. Randy read 2 Peter 3: 3-4. Scoffers don’t believe Christ is coming; they try to trip up what God does. Don’t be afraid of having a finger pointed at you by a scoffer. Do not be intimidated. He read Matthew 24: 48-51.  He’s always heard that being said: “Don’t let scoffers shake you…GIRD UP YOUR LOINS.” He read 2 Peter 3: 8-9. He told us he used to raise bees. As soon as they are “born”, they know exactly what they are to do…head right to the fields. God needs us in the fields. Someday soon, “He’ll come as a thief in the night” … (that’s to the scoffers). We need to get our house in order for when He comes. Br. Randy read Revelation 8: 2-5. Our prayers go up like incense and come down as blessings. There’s coming a time where “Babylon,” the world, and its system of decay. There’s a foul spirit you can see and feel. He read Revelation 18: 2-5 says, “Come out of her my people” (who may be in Babylon).  GET OUT OF IT—DON’T GO THERE!  Br. Randy told us that Granville Hedrick had a visitation by an angel in 1864.  In Illinois the farmers heard this revelation and knew they had to leave the place they loved. They returned here, just 6 miles north of Independence, in the dead of winter.  The river was frozen, but with slush on the top, it was melting.  Br. Frisbey told them, “I’m going…” and he went by faith.  He made the trek across the river, and all the wagons followed. They, about 60, came back to a town that hated them (they thought), but things had changed; God had changed the hearts. The Temple Lot property was repurchased. We are the believers. When God returns, He’ll see us. He’s coming. He read Revelation 19: 11 and 1 Thessalonians 4: 15-17, about the returning of His Saints.  The believers are ready. Scoffers will not be ready. He read Revelations 20: 1-2; 3 Nephi 4: 51; and Moroni 7: 47-50.  We’re told none is worthy or acceptable to be there—except the humble and contrite, those who love the Lord. He read 1 John 2: 15. We are not to “love the world.” Be ready if He comes now—or tomorrow. He read Revelation 20: 6, That’s the hope we have; pray for one another.

Br. Bruce told us we are in a battle between good and evil. Read Matthew 24.  Be a light in this world.

At 2: 30 we were blessed with a Song Service, and then a 3:00 p.m. Sermon was given by Elder Dan Lawrence, with Elder Albert Leighton-Floyd assisting. Br. Albert read Psalm 37.

Elder Dan Lawrence told us he is thankful to be here, in a house full of faithful followers of Christ.  He read Acts 2:22; 36-37; and 3 Nephi 13:15. This is a challenge from God’s word: What am I doing and what should I do? What is God’s purpose in my life? Does my life draw men to God?  What kind of person should I be?  We are to be like Christ. ALL the time, it has to be genuine…it’s being a humble follower all the time. Br. Dan read Matthew 22: 35-40.  He told us we show God our love when we keep His commandments. What is your attitude? What’s deep inside? Everything grows on love. Br. Dan read 1 John 4: 7-8. He that doesn’t love, doesn’t know God. He read Moroni 7: 52. What does this look like in our lives? He read Luke 3: 7-14. What should I be? Christ said, “Even as I am.” If the Holy Spirit steps out and says, “Don’t step there,” Don’t do it! He read Moroni 7: 12-15. Love God enough that we turn from those things. God doesn’t hide Spiritual concepts. He doesn’t keep things from us to keep us from attaining salvation. We each need to look at ourselves, and have the right attitude when partaking of (His sacrifice) the sacrament. We need to be able to sacrifice for the good of others—Start in our own homes:  Brothers—Be Spiritual shepherds, willing to sacrifice for family; Cherish your wife; Be Spiritual examples—Protect, provide, and encourage; Earn and deserve respect. Sisters—Strive to be Proverbs 31 women; Support your husband, cherish and honor him. None of us is perfect—we all fall short.  Gracefully, lovingly understand or do everything that is right.  Hold each other up to others; Communicate openly and honestly…in love; Draw closer to God and draw our children in; with charity and pure love be examples; seek Biblical solutions to problems; make Christ the center of our lives… Asking yourselves, “What matter of person shall I be?” Br. Dan read 3 Nephi 12: 34-35. Conform our core to the love of God.

Br. Albert told us we have been given good counsel.  Br. Randy told us earlier to come out of Babylon; Br. Dan asked us, “What shall we do?”  KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS!

Following a Song Service a 7 p.m. Sermon was given by Priest Kevin McGhee, with Elder Martin Addie assisting. Br. Kevin exhorted us to ask ourselves—”What does God want me to do?” He read Mosiah 2: 13-17, the camp theme this year. He told of an incident; a sister asked for prayers, and a comment made touched him deeply. The comment was… “It’s a privilege to pray for you.” He knew God would provide people for him to talk to in his need too. He read 1 Timothy 2: 8. Br. Kevin said he was fired from his job recently; but when God removed the obstacle it didn’t feel like it was a blessing, but it was. He believes God was providing correction in his life; he realizes now, he wasn’t giving Him his all. Br. Kevin read Hebrews 12: 5-11, and Colossians 1: 17-18. He told us he wasn’t giving God preeminence in his life. A friend of his sent him a scripture, Genesis 3: 19; our relationship with God is all that matters. He read Jeremiah 29: 11-13 and James 1: 5-6. He told us to go to the Lord, it’s time to live the words on the page.  It’s an opportunity to pray for each other, and that prayer has purpose; after all, Satan tries to stop us from praying. He read Proverbs 3: 5-6. When someone ignores you…this feels bad. How does God feel when we do this to him? God wants us to talk to Him about everything. In praying we are glorifying Him. He read Revelation 4: 11, John 4: 23 and Alma 16: 219-222. His wife told her friend about Kevin losing his job; the friend works for Costco and she told Kevin to apply there. He got an interview… only scattered part-time, but he took it. Another friend told him about a pharmacy, but he thought it was closed. Two days later, he learned this friend was sitting next to two others at a ball game, and the husband and wife sitting next to her were both pharmacists at the pharmacy she had mentioned to him two days earlier. The wife is the new pharmacy manager at that pharmacy! He knew then that God was setting it all up. He called the manager and went in for an interview the next day.  He had no nervousness; he knew this was Gods’ plan. She had others to interview, so she said she’d call back. She did, two days later. She couldn’t wait, she offered him the job! Br. Kevin read Mosiah 2: 15. Our God is able…turn it all over to Him.

Br. Martin observed we are all like a ripple in a pond, and he said Br. Kevin had used his favorite verse, Jeremiah 29: 11.

Saturday Morning Prayer Service began at 9 a.m.  Elder Steve McGhee was in charge.  He told us he came home from camp yesterday, after a wonderful experience. Br. Steve read 1 Peter 1: 3, and told us “Blessed be…Unto a lively hope…” That’s why he feels excited. It was a wonderful last campfire; half of the young men gave testimonies and half of the young women also did. There was only one adult testimony. There’s a place in Heaven reserved for each of us. Br. Steve took the prayer list and then led us in a season of prayer. Many voices were lifted unto our Heavenly Father, and some of the testimonies that followed were:

*A Sister told us the day before they were to leave she left her car at home for her husband to check over. She got ready for the trip, got a lot of things done at work and then he called: It turned out there was a big problem with the Excursion, it was not safe to take on the drive. There was nothing else available large enough to hold everything they had to bring. She knew God would take care of it, somehow. She got on the phone and tried to find one to rent. Her cousin, who is a travel agent, also tried to find one. Her cousin finally found one for her and reserved it. There was only ONE available. God made a way.

*A Brother testified his daughter recently testified how she’d been going through an awful struggle. Our Br. told us he stopped trying to “fix it” and let God do what He was going to do: It worked.  He continued to love her like a dad loves a daughter. God did the rest. Our Br. also told us about a trip made to Ethiopia in April. Koba’s cousin wanted missionaries to come, so they went. These people weren’t even sure there is a God. One old man said about 30 generations ago there was a man that did. They said they only believed in what they could see. The ministry explained about God. They were the only white men ever to teach them. They taught about administration…and administered to about 20 people. Two days later the old guy admitted that when they told them God is like the wind, he knew they were right.  They administered to him and his eyes are improving. He testified he learned more in 4 hours with them, than he’d learned all his life. Our Br. said he’d taught this class about teaching God, never knowing that someday he’d need it. God does not give us a Spirit of fear, but with a lively hope.  Our faith is rising in this generation. We have a faithful God.

*A Sister told us that she’d hurt her back last year. She doesn’t want to relive it. She taught her 3-4 year-olds at VCS, and Thursday night she felt spasms in her legs. It was the 4th of July. She remembered because their cat got outside accidentally; spooked by the fireworks, and wouldn’t come back. At 3 am she awoke with terrible cramping pain in her legs. She was administered to; the cat was prayed for also. After they prayed, her husband walked over and opened the door. While praying he’d heard a meow. God had watched over the cat; she knew she was in Gods’ Hands too. The next morning the pain was okay, and she was able to do what she needed to do. She told us when she was a teen, she thought she wouldn’t be able to have a future because Christ was returning. Life won’t stop! We’ll be in His presence! Live EACH day! Every minute we live for Him, because any minute we could be in His presence.

*A Sister said her brother, his wife, and their 2-year-old son who moved near them recently.  She has been trying to encourage them. Please pray for all those loved ones who have drifted away. She also thanked anyone who prayed for the weather at camp, it was beautiful!!  She told us we’re in a battle; but it’s not with each other, we need to be prayer-buddies. The Lord will help us to be victorious… through the rough times. In preparing for camp she asked a brother to pull a trailer.  His response was, “I’d love to!” Praise God, He’s Good ALL the Time!

The 11 a.m. Sermon was given by Elder Donald Gill, and Priest Shaughn Sprague assisted.  A special song was offered by Elder Glenn Gill. Br. Donald held up an empty cardboard box. The Label on the box said “YOU and ME.” He told us when we were born, we were an empty box… There are only two spiritual options; walk in the spirit or walk in the flesh, and they are opposites.  He read Galatians 5: 13, 16-17, 19-23. He gave us a visual: Rocks (sin) go in the box—it makes the box a “heavy burden.” There are nine “fruits of the spirit” that God wants us to have. What happens if we put the fruit in the same box?  We can’t do that, they’ll be crushed; we need to take the rocks out. He read 1 John 1: 9. We need to confess our sins and be cleansed, which is forgiveness. The book of Enos fits perfectly to this. Br. Donald read Matthew 6: 14-15. He told us to remove the rocks. NOW, it’s suitable to put in other things. Now we can put the fruit into a clean box. He read 1 Nephi 2: 48-53. There’s joy in fruit from God. Share it. We have a common desire to learn about God and be His people. Br. Donald read Galatians 5: 13, 24-25.  Liberty means the freedom from the heavy burden of sin and the chains of lust. Walk in the Spirit. The box is a symbol of conversion to “you and me.” The world around us doesn’t want this.  Br. Donald had asked God, “What do you want me to do for a sermon?” He waited for God’s answer, and in a little while, the message flowed. He couldn’t write fast enough! He told us to listen for the Spirit to guide you to what God wants you to do. He read Alma 21: 27-53. Our fight is for our souls, sin kills the soul. They seek to destroy liberty that comes from Christ.  Moroni rent his coat—that’s pretty angry. “In memory of our God, Our religion, Our freedom and Our peace…” (They knew Christ in 72 B.C.) This is the “Title of Liberty.”  They bowed to the earth to speak to God.  They were “Christians” because of their belief and faith in God, and came running to the “Title of Liberty,” doing the same and making covenants with God themselves. The people were making a binding promise and were ready to be called His people.  In baptism, we can’t deny it, because of the Holy Ghost. He told us, he’s a Donald, but for today he can be our Moroni.  Run to baptism and don’t look back.  Repent and open yourself to the will of God. “Rise Up, O Men of God.” Come out of Babylon, bonded together in freedom.  This is the truth—right from the scriptures. You and I have to decide what to do with the box. Choose liberty and choose to be washed clean. Br. Donald then expressed his thanks from the Warrensburg Local.  They are now ready to put down the carpet in their new building. They were blessed with the right people at the right time to do this work with their building. Jesus is calling!  We can do what He wants us to do. No rocks, no fear. Be His people.

Br. Shaughn told us to walk upright before God.

After a Song Service, we were blessed with a sermon at 3 p.m. given by Elder Bob Oldham, who was assisted by Priest Stephen Kimball.  The Wiley daughters opened with a song special, “Come Thou Fount.”

Br. Bob began by reading a poem entitled, “People’s Problems ” by Helen Steiner Rice.  Br. Bob had talked to a younger sister about her problems. He read her some scriptures and told her he would pray for her. He didn’t know what else to do, but he wanted to do more. Later, a voice spoke to him, and he was told, “What greater gift can you offer than your prayers?”

He read John 8: 19, explaining that we don’t all serve the same God.  He read Luke 12: 46-48 and Mosiah 1: 106-108.  He went on to tell us that in 1829-30 Christ brought forth the restored gospel…His gospel and His authority. We are just like King Benjamin’s people.  We have no excuses—We’re servants, not judges. It’s God that converts people to His gospel. He read Mosiah 1: 39. King Benjamin said, “I’ve taught you; that ye should keep the commandments of the Lord.” Br. Bob told us that today the Lord spoke through His servants. He read vs 76-85. Is there anyone here who doesn’t realize we are indebted to God for everything?  Br. Bob read John 5: 25-29, Revelation 20: 12-13 and Mosiah 1: 86-91. Think about what you’re saying when you sing the song, “Send Me Forth.”

After dinner there was a Music program outside, followed by an Ice Cream Social in the dining hall, where the written and pictorial history of “On the Road to Yucatan” was displayed.

The Sunday morning Sacrament Service began at 9 a.m. Apostles Jeff Oldham and Joel Yates were in charge.  The ministry serving the emblems were: Elders David Rudd, and Bob Hedrick; Priests Shaughn Sprague and Stephen Kimball. Apostle Jeff Oldham opened the service, asking us to,” find joy in the journey today.”  We’ve had a wonderful reunion so far, and he anticipates more to come.

Apostle Joel Yates read Moroni 4: 3-4.  He explained who the WE are in this verse, it’s us, the church. All of us. He read 1 Samuel 17: 40-47.  He told us the people couldn’t do anything except fear the giant. David used what weapon he had; he was zealous for the God of Israel. We are not to be afraid. There’s nothing stronger than God. Problems are like giants in our lives. God will make a way for our escape if you stand with Him. Let your faith arise in His name. We are willing to keep His commandments. Fellowship with brothers and sisters is important. Br. Joel told us he wanted to go to the Michigan Reunion, but… wasn’t sure if he should.  Then he got a call from a member that needed help. He went. One sister he visited said she was alone, but not really alone, because she’s with God every day. He had a nice study with her. Then he visited a brother, and their time of study and fellowship helped him set himself back on the path, putting God more firmly back in his life plan. He read 1 John 5: 1-5 and Galatians 6: 2-6.  Bear each other’s burdens. Lift each other up. Comfort those who need comforting. Rebuild relationships and encourage others. At the same time, let them do what they can do for themselves. If we do it all for them, they’ll get weak. Support each other. Sometimes we just have to explain things in a different way, so they’ll understand. He read Galatians 5: 7-10, and from 1 Corinthians 12. When is serving God convenient…?  Br. Joel remembered, at work one day they got a call, there was a 19-year-old in trouble with a heart problem. This kind of call is usually a drug problem. They arrived and he wasn’t there. They headed out, but got another call, the same young man was now at Walmart, and needing help. It was 2 a.m., but in talking with this young man, our Br. determined that he was crying out for spiritual help. He remembered earlier in the day he’d prayed to be able to help someone. This was it. God had given him what he’d asked for.  It’s not always convenient. Get higher. Step up. Two years ago, he watched his daughter struggle. Now she wants the cords to strengthen and bind her.

The emblems were blessed, and the sacrament served. Br. Bob led us in a season of prayer for all those that were listed. There were many voices lifted unto our Heavenly Father. Then the service was opened to the leadings of the Spirit; some of the testimonies given were:

*A Sister told us she had a huge blessing this last week at camp. She reminded us that last January she had a heart attack.  At camp she felt a lot of pressure in her chest, like she was going to have another heart attack. She laid down for a while. She asked for her niece, the camp nurse. Her heart started racing, then she started coughing, just like she had with the January heart attack. Then she realized she had the same song in her head as when she’d had the heart attack in January. She was administered to, and she started to calm down. Her blood pressure had been out of control. All of a sudden, she was back to normal. She feels honored and knows she’s not worthy.

*A Brother told us his wife was in the hospital in May. While at the doctor appointment, she spiked a fever and they said she was septic. The doctor didn’t believe she would survive, but she did.  God chose to heal her of several illnesses while she was in the hospital. She can now eat everything except dairy. It was God’s perfect timing. Christians suffer with grace.  She was hugely blessed. At one time she had heart failure; it’s gone. Everything else too…just one step at a time.

*A Sister told us it’s a joy to be here with us. Last fall she thought she was “going home.”  She’d lost her joy.  She realizes now she has so much to be thankful for. God’s given her back her strength. She holds us all in her prayers.

*A Sister testified how the Lord helped her husband. He had two bleeding ulcers and very little blood left. She is so thankful God helped him.  He would have died otherwise.  Never give up—there’s always hope.

*A Sister told us her cousin was in a terrible accident a while ago. They weren’t sure she was going to live. She’s thirty years old, and has a teen daughter. She needed surgery. Her liver was in bad shape…bleeding. She was in a medically induced coma for some time. She was administered to and the bleeding stopped. She wanted to write something; she wrote down … “Don’t let me go.” She’s been greatly blessed. She was out of the hospital and on the road to recovery. She told of an experience she had early on while in the hospital early on. She said she heard and even felt the prayers of others for her. She wasn’t afraid. At one time, she said she was in a cold dark place, and she felt someone come up and sit beside her. He said to her, “Just stop breathing and it’ll be easy to let go—it’ll be over.”  Then she saw a pin of light.  She saw her uncle. He spoke. When he touched her, his light dispelled all the darkness. She had no more fear.  She knew that it was God and Satan speaking to her. She knew she wanted to live…she knew she had things to do—to right herself.

*A Brother reminded us in the story of Peter; while on the ship, they saw Christ walking on the water. Jesus is our example…do what He does.  Peter climbed out of the boat and stepped out on the water. It held him at first. He could have sunk, but Christ held His hand out to Peter.  A couple of years ago—two times, he and his wife came very close to having bad accidents. The first one was his fault. The second time, a car came out of a side street.  There’s a little blue mark on their car to remind him of it… It was that close. When we’re in our own cars, we’re walking on the water.  He prays he can keep walking on the water.  Our lives are moment to moment.  We can be gone quickly, but the Lord will be there. Pray for each other.

*A Sister reminded us that in Timothy we are told to be ready in an instant. She doesn’t ever have a plan.  She’s moment by moment. She’s been doing her parents’ insurance/medical papers/billings, etc. There are umpteen bills. She was told in a telephone interview that her mother would qualify for a waiver. This is an amazing miracle!  The last two years she has had continued peace about her mother’s situation. Hope is a faith, believing as a child that all things are possible with God. She had an experience on I-70 just the day before. She was “cut-off” by another driver.  She was nearly hit.  It was a government car. She wanted to take measures to report him. They got a photo of the car and license plate. She followed him and in making eye-contact, he begged for forgiveness.  She realized that we all do this with God. She had to give it.

*A Sister requested administration.  Br. David Rudd and Bob Hedrick performed the administration.

*A Brother testified that we need to do what God wants; He’ll direct. He told us that he is 58-years-old, and that while helping out in VCS, his class asked him how old he was. They thought he was really old, so they began guessing…high. They couldn’t believe he was only 58, because of all of his gray hair. He told us in 1999, they were in Mexico after his father-in-law died. He was driving a bus. There was a problem with the air-shocks, one side was lower than the other. While he and his cousin were deciding what to do, his cousin heard a voice tell him not to let our brother do anything until after he’d put blocks under the bus. He did, amazed that he’d heard a voice, and knew it was the voice of God. After he’d done that, our brother just barely touched it, and the air bag exploded. He felt himself move, being pulled out from under the bus. He felt the pavement move underneath him. It had to have been God that pulled him out. When he got up, he was all dirty…and his hair had changed…he was all silver-gray. He and his cousin talked a lot after that.  Everyone that was there that night has been baptized since that happened. You need to do what God says; the benefits are amazing.

*A Brother told us that he stepped in a hole at camp. He knew when it happened that it was at least a bad sprain; he heard it pop. He was nauseous. He asked for administration right away…and he was. He could feel himself improve. He came home from camp and went to the hospital; they have a good orthopedic medical center there. They did an x-ray and put him in a boot. Shortly, the Orthopedic Specialist came in and told them that it was just a bad sprain, but that there is evidence that a year or two ago, there was a break there and it healed. However, our brother knows there was not a break there before! God healed him. Even the sprain is healing MUCH faster than it normally would.

*A Brother told us he was in a terrible accident in 1978, in Mexico, when he was about 19 years old. He had broken bones everywhere—they thought he was dead, or about to die. They let him lay on a gurney on the hall for 24 hours unattended. A Social worker, who must have been sent by God, got him the care he needed. He’s had cancer, with a 30% chance of survival; and he’s still here. He believes that no one dies until God says it’s so.  He has to repent all the time. Yet, he has peace.  He hopes when God is ready for him, that he is ready.

*A Sister told us she didn’t listen to God’s voice. She was at their daughters’ and taking pictures with her camera. God told her to zoom in on their truck to get a photo, but instead she took three steps forward and fell. She tore a ligament. After 5 weeks there was no healing, so they put her in a boot. Her Dr. said, “You choose, it’ll be surgery, either now or later.” She was doing fine, after the surgery, but the pain started again; a Strep infection had developed. Now she’s on antibiotics. It would have been really bad if she’d let it go. We do need to listen to God’s voice.

* A young Sister told us a few weeks ago she passed out while at home. She woke up on the bathroom floor. She cried out for help and passed out again. After finding her, they took her to the hospital. Her heart was in A-Fib. She was sent for a sonogram, and the diagnosis was Pancreatitis. She was administered to and her blood levels went from over 600 down to 69.  It was a miracle!  The doctors still can’t figure it out. She is so thankful they share a home with her parents. They are there when she needs them!

There were six administrations that took place.

*A Brother told us that before he had his surgery, he and a Br. went to the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. They started the trip with a prayer. They were able to find a hotel when they got tired, but then the truck wouldn’t re-start. They prayed. In the morning, they crawled underneath the truck. The starter was loose. He tightened it up as much as he could, but knew it needed a stronger arm. It started though, and they headed down the road. Just down the road a few miles was a Ford dealership. They stopped and had it tightened up and were back on the road in just minutes, at no cost. God was watching out for them.

Apostle Jeff Oldham proceeded to close the service. He asked us to think about what we’ve heard.  Reach out to someone in need.

After lunch, we were blessed with a special song service. Elder Donald Gill assisted.  There were many wonderful gifts of praise offered up to our Lord.

At 4 p.m. we were blessed with another service. Elder Randy Sheldon opened the service with a song and prayer. There was a special sung by Sr. Dolly Smothers, “The Old, Old Path.”

We were blessed with a very special service, a baby blessing. Elder David Rudd gave a message, reading 3 Nephi 8:25 and Mark 10: 13-16. Br. David held his four-month-old granddaughter, Macy Layne McIndoo as Br. Jeff Oldham assisted him.  Parents Lindsey and Tony McIndoo looked on, as well as her big sister, three-year old Blakely.

Following the baby blessing was a sermon given by Elder Rick Olson, assisted by Br. Randy Sheldon.

Br. Rick told us he wasn’t able to be here Friday; so, he hopes his sermon fits in well with what we’ve heard so far. He reminded us that reunions have a purpose; they are to unite and cause us to remember. Br. Rick read Alma 19: 92-97. He reminded us that God created the law of gravity. God tells us He does not change, so if He changes, then He can’t exist… nothing would exist. Our faith must be like Alma’s. There is no other way to salvation except through Christ. Like gravity, we don’t think about it until we fall.  We do the same with God. With repentance there will be forgiveness. We will be restored, but only the truly penitent are saved… We treat this like gravity. We don’t want to be cut off from God, but to have reunion with Him. Br. Rick read Ephesians 4: 1-8. God desires us to have the unity of faith. We all need Christ; the Holy Spirit, Love, etc. We need to support each other. We don’t make this journey alone. Our parents and others influence us all. We are to care for one another, the body of Christ. Be forgiving. Reach out to someone in need. Unity with God is better than being “right.” The whole body needs to fit together—unto the edifying of the body in love.  Serve each other, find something, to help any way you can; even letting someone do something so they feel a part of the body. None of us can make it alone. It’s by design, the way Christ designed. Br. Rick read 1 Peter 5: 1-7. Be subject one to another; anything else separates us from the body. Don’t just go off and “do your own thing.” Be peculiar, don’t follow the world; live your life as an example of Christ; in humility. God cares for all. Christ gives us hope and faith; He has the power of forgiveness. The goal is to be with our Heavenly Father; and glorify God. There are all kinds of reasons why people separate themselves from the body. God will make you perfect, even though gravity takes over sometimes. Br. Rick read Jude 1: 17-21. None of us are perfect or blameless without Christ. One is not above the other.  He read 1 Peter 4: 8. If we have charity, we are willing to love, forgive, etc; and this will cover a multitude of sins. We are to be like Christ; have the bond of unity; strive for perfection in Christ. We are to use hospitality… always; treat all that way. Glorify God through Christ. We can do all things…with the mind of Christ. He’s given us one another; to strengthen, lean on and trust, with love.  God will be with us.  He doesn’t change…

Br. Randy, in his closing, asked us all to gather to the center of the sanctuary in the aisle and put our arms around each other.  We did this as best we could while Br. Rick quickly snapped a photo of us!

Thus, the 2019 Missouri Reunion came to a close. Our hearts were full, and we were blessed to have felt the sweet Spirit of the Lord. May we hold on to all we learned and shape our lives as Christ would have us do.

In love, Your reporter,

Sister Deb Haines