On Friday, October 20, 2017, many of the saints gathered together at the Brant-Norfolk church, located in Teeterville, Ontario, Canada. In attendance were 75 people, traveling from Arizona, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New York and Kenya. Following a dinner and fellowship, we were blessed to have the word of the Lord delivered to us through Elder Moses Chuma from Kenya. With passion, Moses stated the need know where our source of strength comes from. There are those without Christ, and their thinking is as wells without water. We need to continue in the faith and endure to the end.

Elder Moses Ohuru Chuma
Saturday morning started off with a prayer service led by Elder Gordon McCann, followed with a preaching service by Elder Michael Otero from Kenya. This sermon was titled, “Do Not Fear.” Do not fear men, man’s lies, slander of the Book of Mormon, and mocking of us. 2nd Nephi 6:91 tells us to prepare your souls and not to shrink in fear. 2nd Peter 1:2 says that “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God….” 2nd Corinthians 12:9-10 states that God gives us strength to conquer our weaknesses: “for when I am weak, then am I strong.”
Following lunch, Apostle Jay Moser preached about the Lord being king. Revelation 19:9, “Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.” John, chapter 18:36-37, Jesus says that, “My kingdom is not of this world;” and that, “Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” In Jacob, the kingdom is created by the word of God. Revelation 11:15, “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” The first book of Nephi, chapter 7:56-58, says that, “he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; he numbereth his sheep, and they know him; And there shall be one fold and one shepherd:….”

Special with Elders Michael and Moses
Next, we enjoyed a song service with specials from Michael and Moses, the children, and each of the locals that were in attendance. The last sermon on Saturday was delivered by Elder Moses Chuma. This sermon was about repentance and inheriting the kingdom of God. Luke, chapter 3, says that unless you repent, you will perish. First Nephi, chapter 4:58, states that nothing unclean can enter the kingdom of God. Second Nephi, chapter 6:42 tells us that those that are righteous and have endured the crosses of the world shall inherit the kingdom of God, and their joy shall be full forever.
On Sunday morning, the saints gathered for a sacrament service where the Spirit was definitely with us; we were all feeling like our cup was full of joy for one another. There were many testimonies, which all were in accord with the theme of the reunion: Matthew 13:30: “…but gather the wheat into my barn.” Testimony snippets include: comparison of a cell phone battery to needing a spiritual charge; labor with all thy might; bonds of true friendship; there is nowhere that I would rather be; and reunions are the best vacations ever!

Elder Michael Manyura Otero
Our final service of the reunion was preached by Elder Michael Otero regarding charity. If I don’t have charity, I am nothing (1st Corinthians, chapter 13:1-3). Michael says, “We take maize and cook it. We then give it to Brian McIndoo to eat. We have charity. We hug each other. Our love comes from Jesus Christ.” Alma 5:38-42 explains the need for faith, hope and charity. We need to take care of thy love with brothers and sisters. We need to use our charity. For example, Mike and Deb Bevaart have you stay in their house; someone you don’t even resemble from another country and they love you and take care of you. Moroni 7:52 says to cleave unto charity because charity never fails. Things that we like to do can fail us, but charity doesn’t fail. Michael says that he wants to be like Jesus Christ. From the Bible and Book of Mormon Michael knows that my God loves me and wants his children to know the love of God. Matthew 22:37; “thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Moroni 10:15, we need faith, hope and charity in order to be saved in the kingdom of God.
Each of the sermons, testimonies and fellowship times fit the theme of gathering the wheat into God’s barn. On Monday, several brothers and sisters gathered together for fellowship and visited Niagara Falls. Michael and Moses were amazed at this creation of God and truly enjoyed their visit to Canada, mainly because of the love of the brothers and sisters who were more than happy to show them charity.
God Bless,
Sister Sue Porter